PART 3 – #LiveLikeRoo – Roo Fans

Sarah, Kelly and Roo Living it out – every single day

Roo and his Foster Moms, live it out each day. And the message they bring us is #LiveLikeRoo, in other words live each day as if it were your last. How many times do we here this expression and just leave it there, as an expression?

Living each day is accepting you only have the present moment in your life, so cherish it as the best moment of your entire life. It’s easier said than done, but it´s not impossible.

Be kind with your family, be kind with nature, be kind with pets, be kind with dogs. LOVE DOGS!  Live like Roo and hashtag your life #LiveLikeYou

VIDEO 3 – Roo Pics in Action.

Special Thanks to Sarah Lauch for the video and screenshot from the same clip.

See VIDEO 1 & 2: If you haven’t seen the first two videos, check them out here. Clink on this link.