[video] – Boy What a Big Worm… Yummy

Now that’s one annoying bird

This Dachshund is tied to the handrail and along comes a huge crow in search for lunch. What the Bird doesn’t know is that the large worm-like meal is actually a tail.

The other version is that he does know it’s the dog’s tail, but he just wants to piss him off, and boy is he good at it. By the Dachshund’s reaction, you can tell that he’s losing his temper.

What the bird is not aware of is how tight the leash is wrapped around the handrail.  It just might come loose.

Will the bird trap his meal or will the Dachshund trap his? You gotta see the end of the story. And you gotta share.


Thanks to Junkin Video for this Video posted on YouTube plus screenshot from the same clip.