[video] – 186 pound Tyrann Mathieu couldn’t make it beyond 8 minutes

NFL Players are tough and mean, but 120°F is just too much

How hot is too hot? Just for reference, anything above 107°F (42|C) is too hot to touch. NFL Tyrann Mathieu demonstrates what can happen to a dog left in a hot car, even with the windows rolled down, no matter how short the errand.

Extreme temperatures can cause anything between heart strokes to death. So never under-estimate the potential danger in leaving your pet locked up inside a car under the sun. Too many accidents occur because people simply forget the fact that heat builds up in seconds.

Be on the watch for dogs left inside cars, and if necessary call 911 or local authorities. Or just break the window!

This video will definitely help you understand and keep vigilant.

Special thanks to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for this campaign and video. Screenshot taken from the video.