Teddy Bears and Puppy Dogs – Unavoidably Huggable
Tonkey is a 4 month old bearcoat shar-pei, with an Instagram account the surpasses the 120.000 follower benchmark. In other words, in less than 6 months she´s more famous than anyone reading this post. Bare in mind the account was created only a couple of months ago.
Her caretakers are Christine Park and her husband Dave, living in Edmonton, Canada. Tonkey’s sister is Maxi, another beautiful dog member of the family. They were intrigued by flush haired Shar Peis so after some research they decided to find one. And “hair she is”
Surely the Stuffed Animal Industry has their eyes on Tonkey as reference for a new kind toy that will replace the Teddy Bear and they might even call it the “Tonkey Dog”.
Check out these cool PICS:
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Courtesy Christine Park
Pictures from bearcoat_tonkey on Instagram. Screenshot from the same account.