(VIDEO) Man’s best friend – Above and Beyond

They said Dog´s can only fetch a ball and roll over, then Finley proved them wrong

Finley and his owner, Greg have the best relationship ever. Greg Baskwell, from North Carolina recently posted on Instagram a short compilation showing just how above and beyond a Dog is willing to perform for his guardian.

It must have taken Greg quite some time to get Finely to learn all these tricks, but the outcome is absolutely incredible and adorable. Finley is what you might say “there for you” – literally.

He holds the alarm clock, the towel, the hair dryer, the recipe book, the glass of water and even the toilet roll. What else can you want? The great thing about this video is the way it shows just how close a dog and the owner become. dogs are simply the best. Truly man’s best friend. This video, watched by over a million viewers confirms it.

These are a few highlights of this symbiotic relationship:

DLC WS 235 DLC WS 236 DLC WS 237 DLC WS 238

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(source: MailOnlineGregory Baskwell, Music: “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars)

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